Terms and Conditions Wavier
1. I accept that I must wear an electronic timing strap to compete in this event. It is my responsibility to ensure this is
secured to my ankle before my event. I must not swap my timing chip with another participant.
2. If I do not return my electronic timing strap after finishing my event (participants taking part in single events only) or after I have finished using it for the season (participants taking part in multiple events), or I lose my electronic timing strap during the season, I accept that I will need to pay a $30 incl. GST replacement fee to event organisers
3. I understand that I must not compete in this event unless I have trained and prepared appropriately for it. My physical condition has been verified by a medical practitioner or I confidently believe that I am sufficiently fit and healthy to compete in this event
4. I acknowledge that The Beach Series involves the real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including overexertion, heart attack, equipment failure, dehydration, hypothermia, or accidents with other competitors
5. By taking part, I accept all risks necessarily flowing from my participation which could result in loss of life or permanent injury. Accordingly, I release all persons or corporations associated directly or indirectly with the conduct of the event from all claims demands and proceedings arising out of my participation and I hereby indemnify them against all liability (including liability for their negligence and/or recklessness and the negligence and/or recklessness of others) for all injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in this event. This release shall extend to and include The Event Dudes Limited and their respective directors, partners, managers, officers, agents, contractors, employees, and volunteers including medical and paramedical personnel appointed for the event, the owners, licensees, and occupiers of land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted, any statutory body or local authority having control over any land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted or which is involved directly or indirectly with the event in any manner whatsoever and promoters, sponsors and event organisers. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representative, and assigns
6. I consent to receive any medical treatment that the event organisers think is necessary during or after the event
7. I acknowledge that safety precautions undertaken by organisers (such as course supervision, event safety briefing)
are a service to me and other competitors, but are not a guarantee of my safety
8. I accept that I am required to carefully read the Event Safety Briefing and the Rules & Regulations available to read at the event base or on the website before my next event, attend and listen to all compulsory pre-event
safety briefings and to immediately seek clarification on anything which is not entirely clear to me from an event official
9. I consent to the event organisers using my name, image and likeness before, during, or after the event for event
promotional purposes in any media, for broadcasting or reporting purposes in any media
10. I understand that I am fully responsible for the security of my personal possessions at the event
11. I accept my registration is not transferable to other events or seasons and is non-refundable
12. I agree to my name and contact details being included on the event database of my chosen event(s). These may be
used for promotional purposes by event stakeholders. I understand I can unsubscribe from this at any time
13. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to tell the registration staff before my next event if I choose to compete in an event other than my chosen default event, otherwise my time and points may be void
14. I agree to abide by all event rules and directions issued by the event organiser, suppliers, contractors, employees and volunteers
15. I acknowledge that by reason of circumstances beyond the control of the event directors, it may become necessary or desirable to change the format, location, or date of the event, and if that occurs, I consent to the changes and I agree
that each and every one of the conditions herein set out shall apply to that changed event.
16. Due to the committed outgoing costs, if the event is cancelled due to poor weather, rough seas, natural disaster or any other condition beyond the control of the organisers, I accept that I will not be refunded, in cash, the entry fee – a transfer may occur if a postponement date is found
17. I hereby certify that I am 18 years of age or older (see below for younger competitors)
18. If I am younger than 18 years of age, I will have these Terms & Conditions and Waiver viewed and signed by my legal guardian (through the online entry process) which will in effect give consent for me to
compete in this event. Legal guardians of children under the age of 18, confirm that their children are confident and
capable of completing their chosen event. Parental guidance is required
19. I accept that discounts, promotional codes or general promotions cannot be combined, and the highest of the discount codes will be redeemable (assuming you are eligible to use that discount code)
20. I consent to the event organisers, or any companies contracted by them, to fly a drone (for filming and promotional
purposes) above or around me during my event
21. I accept that it is my responsibility to log in to my The Event Crew account to make changes should any information on my entry form need to be updated e.g. emergency contact details. If you notice this on event day please ask the registration team to update this for you BEFORE prizegiving